Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ian is here!

Most exciting news of the past week! After telling me he booked a ticket on Tuesday, Ian got here on Friday night! I am so very excited! Exclamation marks all around. The plan is for him to continue his job search here, and in the meantime start on an apartment search for us. He also has a stack of books, gym clothes, intentions to learn Creole and ideas about downloading a cooking app, so I think he'll be okay.

On Friday I took him to the Montana, a hotel that's still being rebuilt but with salsa music on Friday nights and great views. We spent most of the weekend touring around the city a bit (so he could get a feel for the apartment market!) and watching Euro cup games. Since he's been walking around and getting to know the city, looking at apartments, and going to the gym, so he's quite happy for the time being. And I'm quite happy too! All of the 101 reasons why Haiti is better than Kabul that I experienced, Ian is experiencing too, and it's reminding me how lucky I am to be here.

Other than that things have been quite normal here... I've been busy at work but it's a lot of meeting people and time away from my desk, so it's all a good balance. My roommate Juan has moved out but was replaced by a new intern, a girl who is very nice. As much as I will miss Juan (I mean, the guy left me Brownies as a parting gift!) it is nice to live with a girl and even nicer not to be the newbie but to instead be the one showing people around. I guess I'm doing that twice with Ian and Chiara (the intern), but it suits me just fine.

Anyways this is more of a personal post that a Haiti interest piece, so I'll cut it short.. but I hope you're all doing well and feel free to drop me a line whenever! xoxox

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